- [ ] at least the default number of a contact should be used for a SOS call!
*maybe it is worth to think about, if the button should be tied to a number and not just to a contact...*
BTW: although …
The LP reader is a source of many problems because it was designed as a bit of a hack and doesn't follow any formal grammar. It's probably time we rewrote a proper implementation.
Ive detected some time the controlPanel unit make reset..... At the start show the initial title reset and show again the title..... and sometimes when I change from IN to MM,,, sometimes…
### batch name and line
File : https://github.com/bids-standard/BEP028_BIDSprov/blob/master/examples/from_parsers/afni/afni_alt_onesided_proc.sub_001
Line 310
3dTstat -sos -prefix - gmea…
I'm using a SOS endpoint named OpenSensorHub.
The getCapability url is in my case:
Fetching a sens…
The marker turns red, but the SOS Message isn't showing up in the dashboard until I reload. And if I log in after it was sent it doesn't show
Hi All,
Is there any way to enable the SOS shortcut when the service its running?
I was unable to find the section code for this, and when a start the service, the SOS shortcut disappears
I don't want to add the PR yet, but do want to capture the changes requested.
sos, hello, my project is the vue2 version, using less. But I found an error after running, and the style reported an error
If the table of figures or other tables are empty, the title is generated nonetheless. Either let the user choose what to include or remove the header if not present (for instance, the problem was pre…