Hi there,
Interesting issue - code worked about a week ago, but now seems non-functional. Querying inat for a butterfly species with lots of records - gbif query works great, but inat query doesn't…
I have a quick question about rgbif - I thought I'd post here before potentially reinventing the wheel. The problem can be summarised as follows: I would like to define a bounding box around…
# Add a note about taxize in the packages it imports
I.e. similarly to the note about `spocc` in `rebird` docs, have a note about `taxize` in the docs of `rredlist` and co? In the README and vignet…
As I know that research-grade data from iNaturalist flows towards GBIF. Does spocc take this into account?
Shouldn't this documentation file refer to `scrubr` (and maybe `CoordinateCleaner`)?
I'm attempting to query iNaturalist data specifically, and the occ() function fails when: from = 'inat', limit = 201 (or greater) with multiple warnings. Problem doesn't occur with gbif. Thanks
Hey @sckott my student @AshleyWoods is interested in potentially developing a shiny front end to `rgbif` specifically targeting the new functionality you built with the downloading query jobs from GBI…
``` r
#> Loading required package: raster
#> Loading required package: sp
g Loading required namespace: jsonlite
#> 1954 records found
#> 0-300 records downloaded
either client or server errors, and give back in `meta` slot
e..g, GBIF gives an error of `Error: Points of LinearRing do not form a closed linestring` with:
occ_search(scientificName= 'An…