## 问题描述
vite应用通过`external: ['vue', 'vue-router', 'element-plus', '@micro-zoe/micro-app', 'test'],`排除第三方依赖, 然后通过指定对应依赖的esm.js位置
经测试, 主应用可以正常运行, 子应用单独运行正常, 当子应用套在主应用下时, 不生效!!! 导致控制台报错TypeError: Failed…
If the plug-in package is imported from JS, TS will report an error
import Editor from '@tinymce/tinymce-vue';
import { RawEditorSettings } from 'tinymce';
import { c…
## 前言
为.NET开源勇士提供一个推荐自己优秀项目和框架的Issues,大家可以把自己写的或者感觉不错的C#/.NET/.NET Core项目or框架链接地址和描述提交到在这里,提供给广大.NET开发者们参考、学习和使用,并且我会定期在公众号推广分享这些优秀项目和框架(注意:排名不分先后,都是十分优秀的开源框架和项目💖)。
## PR投稿
> 感谢您支持fast-crud,请按如下规范提交issue
> 如果有条件,请尽量在[github上提交](https://github.com/fast-crud/fast-crud/issues)
## 一、问题描述
### 报错截图
### Description
This group defined a number of [projects/goals for 2023](https://github.com/nodejs/package-maintenance/issues/550) & one of them was to create a new "statusboard" (similar to npm's …
Hi there ✋🏼
thanks for this amazing components !
Is there a way to select multiple data with the Select component ?
Thanks !
I've been trying to install AFS from scratch for some time now, but seem to fail at the last step, somewhere at yarn build_development.
My current setup is the following:
Debian 12.5, whi…
If the system does not have the function you want, you can put it here, and we will develop it according to the situation!
Function proposal format
Name: Add xxx function
Role: Business scen…
大佬 麻烦请教下 HubilderX 能做 vue3-element-admin 那种代码规范吗