Hi Christian,
This repo's what3words API wrapper is currently using v1 of the what3words API. This version was deprecated on 1/6/16 and will be switched off on 30/11/16.
This is just a heads up that…
Full details of API v2 can be found on our [developer site](http://what3words.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=a267440431b40ff06ac629049&id=be8ef0678f&e=d81a55e0c8) including a handy [migration gui…
geowe updated
8 years ago
Al probar en la versión 1.2.0 se ha detectado que no funciona correctamente la geolocalización de what3words por 3 palabras. Debe haber algún error cuando se ha migrado a la API v2 de what3words
As an owner of a clinic I would like to communicate the position of our clinic using W3W's so that people can find us easily.
How should we store the layout? Probably using Fixtures, where a Fixture contains channels (with data over time), a name, location (x, y, z=0), rotation (r, s=0, t=0), and size. This Fixture struct wi…
Currently there is no documentation for using this package as an import to other python applications, the documentation covers command-line use only.
nice work with what3words API !
any chance that there is a mistake on the URL for the orthophotos ? I have only 404 response loading the tiles.
**URL Request**
**API Docs**
Currently any errors in the API cause exceptions - rather than being passed back up to the calling app using callbacks - eg see http://fredkschott.com/post/2014/03/understanding-error-first-callbacks-…