Merhabalar. Şu an Gİthub repomda içinde teker teker taşıyamayacağım sayıda dosya bulunan klasörümü başka bir klasör içine taşımak istiyorum. Örneğin daha önce python assignmeler klasörü altında topla…
ghost updated
2 years ago
- Index data for the dcal notebooks
**Describe the bug**
When opening links of specific (nested) comments without the appending `/?context=3` to the URL it only loads the specfic comment but not the (parent/previous) message(s), I…
Daha önceden oluşturulumuş bir adresi için sil seçildiğinde, status değişkeni adres satırına eklenip 502 Bad Gateaway hata sayfası açılıyor ancak, bu hata her adres silmek istendiğinde olmuyor, silme …
Some things this would allow:
- More grammar pedantry, hooray
- A more full introduction that goes into the rationale of what a consistency of style *really* gets you (ie. explaining that consiste…
Camelot uses [ghostscript](https://pypi.org/project/ghostscript/) (a GPLv3 licensed project, which is a wrapper on top of [ghostscript](https://www.ghostscript.com/), an AGPL licensed project) to conv…
Will support for Flatcar be added?
$ /var/lib/waagent/Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.AzureMonitorLinuxAgent-1.26.2/./shim.sh -install
2023/05/31 11:59:46 [Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.AzureMonitor…
The following domains break the a11y scan such that I have to stop it, remove the domain, and re-restart the scan all over again.
Two problems result:
* We don't get any a11y scan results for …
I see there's already a short list [here](https://github.com/bluez/bluez/blob/5.78/src/shared/util.c#L1602), but much more could be done:
| UUID | Tentative explanation|
| ------------- | --------…
Vu qu'on annonce dans le podcast qu'on peut aller commenter les épisodes, ce serait bien d'avoir un système permettant de le faire.
Le plus simple étant d'ajouter un sytème à la disqUS, si vous av…