I write R-code and Quarto documents almost daily. Same for Obsidian; appreciate effort bring them together.
However, I cannot make the plugin work on my Windows 11 machine. I have installed previou…
Welcome to Composing Digital Media! Your first writing assignment is to post an introduction to yourself, here on this "Issue Queue." What is an Issue Queue? Later, we may get into some more advanced …
Email from Dail:
... we continue to believe that it is essential to link a GB# to these "uncultured" tips. The GB#s are already linked in SILVA so this should (hopefully) be straight forward.
Pose your questions here for [Grant Blank](https://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/profiles/grant-blank/) regarding is **5/9** talk **Smartphone dependencies shape internet use and outcomes.** The distinct ch…
Hi @AliWazir, thank you very much for the work!
I looked at the conll-formatted data and there is no blank line. How should I separate the sentences ?
EDIT: I am using the end span '.\tO' to sep…
I have prepared "DList" file as the instruction of package **preproc**, however, there is very few information about another two parameters in MetaQC, "**colLabel**" and "**GList**".
Q1, does "**cloL…
mzcs7 updated
5 years ago
Comment below with a well-developed question or comment about the reading for this week's workshop. These are individual questions and comments.
Please post your question by Wednesday 11:59 PM, and…
Dear Fengchao/Alexey,
is there actually a way to extract information on which spectra were actually considered for TMTintegrator-based quan? This information would be highly useful in individual ca…
I would like to run GLMdenoise on surface data (specifically freesurfer .mgz files). Is that possible or does GLMdenoise make some assumptions that require the data to be volumes or something about th…
I was advised to post my issue to this repo since it effects all versions. Your Privacy whitepaper listed here https://wire-docs.wire.com/download/Wire+Privacy+Whitepaper.pdf shows that the fol…