### Problem Description
`pkcs11-tool --test --login --pin XXXX`
results in
Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)
C_SeedRandom() and C_GenerateRandom():
seeding (C_SeedRandom) not suppo…
Reportedly the 8188EUS chipset is working on other OSes like Raspberry Pi OS, but not on balenaOS.
There's no way to convert from ATASCII to ASCII, and no related programs linked to, to handle this task.
Dear authors,
Your work is very useful contribution to the field of SAR image analysis.
Can you make the pre-training weights download link in any other platform instead of baidu. As i cant able t…
Al cargar un F1 me salta el error
Error XML, la fecha desde CCH 18/08/20 es diferente del minimo de fechas desde 17/08/20 del TE
YO miro el fichero y las fechas me parecen correctas. He probado a …
When image (attachment) is uploaded and inserted into post, special class `wp-image-{ID}` is automatically applied.
21c 1 διὰ τὴν ὄρνιν , τὸ τίς αὐτὴν ἐγγήμῃ ,
APOS? No AGDT1 - virgula recebe a etiqueta APOS; e os elementos apositivos ADV_CO_AP.
No AGDT2 - a oracao apositiva depende do elemento que descreve, como…
Which options trading strategies might be best for a trading bot?
* 1 DTE CALL/PUT spreads?
* 1 DTE iron condors?
* cove…
I'm trying to program a few cards but this is my first foray into this java card stuff. I'm unable to locate a source for the two known working cards. Do you know of any other cards that would work? I…
ik gebruik macOS v17.5 en EID 5.0.16.
Onderaan de log historiek van wat er gebeurd.
Resultaat is dat de EID de informatie niet toont...
Enig idee?
Tot later,