I think having peer to peer connection modules could be used for doing a lot of interesting things. I would like to use p2p modules to build an online charades game that people play over their webcams…
Does not work out of the box:
Cargo version: 1.76.0
rust version: 1.76.0
cargo build
Updating crates.io index
Downloaded bitflags v1.3.2
Downloaded autocfg v1.2.0
Downloaded …
I just realized that `gvox_rs` adds 46 transitive dependencies to my project when I use it! That's a lot of extra stuff to build and compile (see the crate graph below). Most of the cruft comes from `…
Right now, Adiar only supports diagrams, where the terminals (leaves) have boolean values. Of course, one can already use this to express non-boolean values by having *b* BDDs to represent each of the…
Icon Requests! Roughly in order of importance. I'd be thrilled if you did even one of these.
1. Tox
Info: Tox is a messaging protocol made as a free alternative to Skype. It's native on several di…
The two main options for a buffer struct is a gap buffer, or a [rope](https://docs.rs/ropey/latest/ropey/). They both come with different tradeoffs. I really like this [comment](https://github.com/ema…
the placeBet function has _guess as a parameter. And we must generate a guard representing the possible assignment of this parameter. Result : `_guess==HEADS | _guess==TAILS`
What to do ?
1. Chec…
Pure nim MQTT client