1. Install Safari Technology Preview on macOS High Sierra https://developer.apple.com/safari/technology-preview/
2. Copy app to test directory
3. Terminal:
$ afsctool -d "Safari Technology Preview.…
A continuation of [#10](https://github.com/Spookcity/ROMS-G800F/issues/10), [#18](https://github.com/Spookcity/ROMS-G800F/issues/18), [#19](https://github.com/Spookcity/ROMS-G800F/issues/19), [#20](ht…
If you list out what all is missing i/we(community) can help out with this.
Have you considered Cordova or nodekit though
PS: Not a c++ or even a desktop guy.
From what I've read, porting from iOS to Apple TV should be fairly easy - would be awesome to see moonlight on the new Apple TV :heart_eyes:
The exception raised after starting "celery -A project beat -l info"
[2015-08-03 07:18:54,449: CRITICAL/MainProcess] beat raised exception : UnicodeDecodeError('ascii', b'\x07\xde\x07\x1…
I intend to follow this up with a pull request.
Would the Tink team be interested in a PHP implementation of the same API? Obtensibly it would wrap both the `openssl` and `sodium` extensions.
I execute
`python3 -m pytest t/unit/test_schedulers.py`
under the project root and it reports:
localhost:django-celery-beat Felix$ python3 -m pytest t/unit/test_schedulers.py
They just use two parallel arrays to represent the elements. 1-D for values: n length where n is number of non-zero values. 2-D for indic…
The big math libraries are `cgmath` and `nalgebra`. Both of them have deal-breaking flaws for many, namely (imo):
* `cgmath` has a weird, idiosyncratic design that simultaneously does too much and …
I was going through the [Exome Case Study](https://github.com/google/deepvariant/blob/r0.4/docs/deepvariant-exome-case-study.md), and noticed that I was not getting any TFRecord formatted files…