Commands and subcommands that contain hyphen `'-'` are not documented correctly, such as [`app-store-connect create-bundle-id`](https://github.com/codemagic-ci-cd/cli-tools/blob/master/docs/app-store-…
Acceptance: There is an settings UI. The user can change his settings here (TBD) and logout.
Update: Only https://github.com/luanpotter/audioplayers/issues/425#issuecomment-602231798 are sill there.
I didn't find these in other issues, maybe they are not important, but having >20 other plu…
nohli updated
4 years ago
- [x] Remove unused images fonts
- [x] Compress images
- [x] Remove unused fonts
- [x] Reformat fonts to different (smaller format)
I release an alpha version of an app through XCode and it crashes on my testing device on open. It runs fine in Debug mode on iOS simulator, and in production mode on Android.
The logs below come f…
iOS has no submit button on the number keyboard...
I investigated some PRs that got stuck last night:
I'm getting this error when I update to version 2.2.2
My CI/CD through Codemagic is getting the same error.
I run pod repo update, but it doesn't solve the issue.
Using version 2.1.1 it works fine,…
This is what happened when I ran a workflow with codemagic.
`== Initializing code signing for Android ==
== Install Flutter dependencies ==
> /usr/local/bin/flutter packages pub get
Resolving de…
I developed the app in a flutter. Google sign-in is part of the app. But the problem is in while creating the apk using **"flutter build apk"** at that time google sign-in is working. While creating t…