### 问题类型 / Type of issues
* 其它 / other
仓库里的包越来越多了,所以组织一次大扫除。请各位按列表检查自己名下的包,如果有意继续维护就勾选掉,如果不想管了、不记得了、好像没什么用了之类的,就留在那里。一个月之后还没有被勾选的包,我会发起 orphaning 流程。包名后边的数字是来自 [pkgstats](https://pkgstats.…
### 问题类型 / Type of issues
* 打包错误 / packaging error
### 受影响的软件包 / Affected packages
- [ ] android-sdk
- [x] deepin-wine-tim
- [x] freeplane
- [x] gitkraken
This issue follows up …
i am using I am using v2.1-alpha-4 in freeplane 1.7.3 on ubuntu 18.04.1 64 bit running on
openjdk version "1.8.0_191"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_191-8u191-b12-0ubuntu0.18.04.1-b12)
On Ubuntu 15.10 the system-installed groovy2 2.4.3 over-rides the project dependency on 2.4, but I'm not sure how to tell gradle to ignore the system-installed package, or even if that is possible.
I would expect to have ability manage the "Open with..." choices. I mean when I make mouse right click on the file and choose "Open with -> Other application" then I would see the "manage associations…
## Terminal Stuff
* [x] `$ brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn`
* [x] `$ replug`
* [x] `$ asdf update && asdf plugin-update --all && asdf reshim`
* […
First of all thanks a lot for your fantastic work. We use it a lot.
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
In our company we use deck to keep track of open invoices. If…
## Terminal Stuff
* [x] `$ brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn`
* [x] `$ replug`
* [x] `$ asdf update && asdf plugin-update --all && asdf reshim`
* […
I'd like to interface C# code with freeplane using this library. Is there any FAQ or tips I should keep in mind before attempting this? I see possibly creating new WPF or Unity3D interface.
I tried with lates freeplane, or current I should say, which is in my case 1.7.5, which I installed yesterday, and roan-presentation seems not to work here. I guess I should try with older freeplane v…