The correct folder to install into for Neovim is: `~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/tpope/start`. Can you update the README, please?
I was following ThePrimeagen's [0 to LSP : Neovim RC From Scratch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7i4amO_zaE). I created a `lsp.lua` file as instructed, and I noticed my jump to definition was not w…
I've found the ErrorMsg and Error colors hard to read with the light foreground (editor_fg):
### ErrorMsg
### Error
Switching to the background color (editor_bg) looks…
First off, thanks for the plugin.
I'd like to perform a diff on the file under the cursor in `:Gstatus` without waste part of my screen with the `:Gstatus` window. Is there some way to perform this…
The command that would be run should be `git stash push -m ""`
Hi, is there a possibility to view vim fugitive logs from diffview? I know I can copy commit hash and :DiffviewOpen commithash, but maybe there is a better way similar to neogit integration:
Right now, you just enter with alt+click, like in legacy, which is a bit weird
Perhaps we should have some effects, like in "Fugitive of the Judoon", where we've seen people teleporting inside the …
I originally reported this to gitsigns (https://github.com/lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim/issues/916), but was told it wasn't a gitsigns issue. I don't know if it's a fugitive issue or if it's caused by nvim…
Explain the problem here ...
Running `:PlugStatus` when editing a git commit message results in:
Error detected while processing function 19_status[1]..19_prepare[7]..function19_status[…
I just migrated my v2.0 to v2.5 using starter repo following migration guide in changelog without any errors. When I open Neovim in a React Native application (or any other frameworks/languages) the c…