I'd like to make using multiblock generators for power production more attractive. In my opinion using a very basic single block nuclear reactor that makes 2000EU/t in EU mode is just lazy and boring,…
here is my story:
(world was already created/generated)
-Feels like pollution is not punishing me enough, I download the mod directly from the 'mods' tab within the game main menu
-**It loads all o…
Różne problemy związane czasem lepiej utworzyć jako ISSUES niż jako komentarze i już karygodne jest dodawanie jakiś X-ów, które można potem przypadkowo dodać.
Having issue with getting data from model relation in admin panel.
What I mean is
I have `BoilersController`, there we have `form` method.
I've put there the code and it looks like this now
I merged two scenarios with equal weight: 741570 and 741572 on the beta server.
This seems to work like a charm except for this slider:
I'm running a server with a custom pack (mod list [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X2gXelJmoWiAwdYLNavEKvY4mKEq1eZSBZ179Canjh8/edit#gid=0) ) using Pressure Pipes v1.3.0.130, Advanced gen…
I am testing conversion_plus technology after seeing some strange behavior while using it.
I created a model with a power demand, a power supply and a conversion plus technology consuming…
When you open a blank Drenthe scenario, the hot water final demand graph shows the following change:
![screen shot 2017-10-05 at 15 39 33](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24872776/312301…
I finalized a first draft of the next version **EnergyADE 0.9.0,**
The following issues have been regarded in the new data model: #118, #119, #133, #135, #136 and #137
There are three other op…
Electricity Conservation fails.
On beta excess electricity usage differs is lower than the total excess electricity.
In a scenario with 10.000 inland windturbines the total excess electricity is 4…