Pose your questions here for 2/8 talk by [Hyejin Youn](https://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/directory/youn_hyejin.aspx) about her paper **Geometrics of the Adjacent Possibles: Harvesting Value…
having an issue with `SentiWordNet_3.0.0_20130122.txt` with `self.build_swn()`
after removing headers renamed the file to `SentiWordNet_new.txt`
`s = SentimentAnalysis('C:\\Users\\cvikas10\\Docume…
Hello, if I just want to get the fingerprint descriptor, should I modify "MaSIF_site.py"?Corresponding to fig.1d MaSIF-geometric deep learning in the paper
See: https://github.com/skytreader/PyGame-Objects/wiki/Standards-and-Conventions
Make it so that all tuples describing positions describe them as (row, col). `draw_offset` currently uses (width, he…
Catalogue is looking good now, and a good practical set. The Sans grouping is a bit heavy on the humanist fonts though, which means its a great selection for body copy but lacking many aesthetically i…
i.e. adapt pictures from @brett1479 's SVM notes (https://davidrosenberg.github.io/mlcourse/Archive/2017/Labs/3-SVM-Notes_sol.pdf) to our treatment of SVMs without discussion of geometric margin. (Ba…
After downloading the linked drive data to `data/AMLSim/10K-merge-hard-batch`, there still happens to be some missing data, as I'm getting the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "…
I noticed an issue regarding the doc of DIG.
The doc states that DIG requires PyTorch Geometric (>=2.0.0). However, it seems that the DIG library is incompatible with PyTorch Geometric v…
Thanks for the package. Great stuff.
Wanted to draw your attention to a `pip install` issue with python 3.12 and pip 23.3.1. Got the following upon running `pip install geometric`:
I’m trying to run the [tutorial](https://kuzudb.com/docusaurus/blog/kuzu-pyg-remote-backend/) on the integration with PyG. After fixing some problems in the code ([PR](https://github.com/pyg-team/pyto…