(glp) ning@ubuntu:~/GLPDepth/datasets$ python ../code/utils/extract_official_train_test_set_from_mat.py nyu_depth_v2_labeled.mat splits.mat ./nyu_depth_v2/official_splits/
Traceback (most recent call…
Example of the issue is below. In brief, `dset[array([True])]` fails despite it working with a comparable numpy array. This comes up in a niche case on some code I'm working on, where what is usually …
To assist reproducing bugs, please include the following:
Summary of the h5py configuration
h5py 2.10.0
HDF5 1.10.6
Python 3.6.8 (default, Jan 14…
A part of this bug has already been reported [here](https://github.com/open2c/cooltools/issues/377), I have the same issue on cooltools 0.5.4 version.
Also while writing this issue, I realize…
Test code
from lstm_word_segmentation.word_segmenter import pick_lstm_model
word_segmenter = pick_lstm_model(model_name="Thai_codepoints_exclusive_model4_heavy",
Sir, your implementation for roof top detection is simply amazing. Can you please provide me with data and annotation. I am a research student who is working on a project involving rain water harvesti…
starting from a fresh conda install, i get errors associated with `h5py`, `pytables`, and `umap` when i try to run VBA loading functions, so i believe they need to be added as dependencies.
# Numpy의 save method 시도
결론) 너무 큰 용량으로 github에 업로드 불가.
recipe별 ingredient boolean vector가 6714 dim.
recipe는 39243개 존재
따라서, 6714 x 39243 의 matrix가 제작됨.
용량 약 1.2GB로, github의 용량 제한인 100MB를 넘어감.
When saving a virtual dataset to a `tempfile.TemporaryFile` or `io.BytesIO` object using the `create_virtual_dataset` function, accessing the data causes undefined behaviour. So far, thi…
## OS/h5py version info
PopOS 21.04
h5py 3.4.0
HDF5 1.12.1
Python 3.9.5 (default, May 11 2021, 08:20:37)
[GCC 10.3.0]
sys.platform linux
sys.maxsize 9223372036854775807
numpy …