According to the SPDM 1.2 specification (given below) the certificates returned by the Responder must be consistent with the negotiated ALGORITHMs, and apparently this also holds for 1.0 and 1.1, even…
-integrate.py data1.tif
WARNING:root:Exception No module named fftw3: FFTw3 not available. Falling back
on Scipy
On Windows I have a file named something like "mobilePhoneProjectFile.xml=", I run the publishing on it:
dita -p D:/projects/dita/mobile-phone/mobilePhoneProjectFile.xml= -v
Searching fo…
using OrdinaryDiffEq
tspan = (0.0,1.0)
u0 = zeros(1)
u0[1] = 1/2
function residual(res,du,u,p,t)
res[1] = - 1.01u[1] + du[1]
function jacobian(jac,du,u,p,gamma,t)
Nishimura et all (2020) propose an HMC integrator that should work well discontinous likelihoods and hence also for discrete parameters. I was wondering if this could be added to AdvancedHMC as it h…
From slack:
George Datseris:juliapool: Nov 6th at 7:00 PM
So we have a method that integrates many many initial conditions and maps the trajectories into a low-dimensional vector of ~10 numbers. I…
Можно написать без строгой привязке к количеству различных примитивов в изначальном масси…
I'm trying to simulate droplet system with applied spherical potential.
But it constantly explodes even though I reduced step size to 0.5 fs and modified the potential parameters.
The fol…
I attempted to fit periodic ab initio data using GROMACS. Below are the details in the shot.mdp file:
integrator = md
dt = 0.001
nsteps = 0
nstxout = 0
nstfout = 1
nstenergy = 1