разработать систему логина по метамаску и валетконнекту. дб не использовать (либо блокчейн), при логине на бэке проверять знаком ли нам этот человек https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/contacts/se…
## Proposal
Treat code as a product: One that needs to grow by planning and refinement.
In the same way we collect feedback for product and our people at artsy, we could collect feedback for ou…
Submitted by @byjrack - topic: Good first issue:
"Good First Issue" and more focused project engagement for the enterprise/end user communities
With the significant increase in "end user" commun…
# Open Grant Proposal: `Renovi Marketplace`
**Name of Project:** Renovi Marketplace
**Proposal Category:** Choose one of `core-dev`, `app-dev`, `devtools-libraries`, `technical-design`, `docs`
We would like to upgrade HUGO on Federalist to take advantage of better processing and functionality.
At the moment, we are running `v0.23`, and we'd like to upgrade it to `v0.44`.
Hi Tracers,
I'm excited to share the latest tokenomics RFC with you.
[OT-RFC-14 DKG v6 TRAC tokenomics](https://github.com/OriginTrail/OT-RFC-repository/blob/main/RFCs/OT-RFC-14%20DKG%20v6%20TRA…
## Update Team PSD website
- [x] Incorporate new workstream/workflow architecture for maps and team organization.
- [x] Add a new feature for employment opportunities.