Auf der Login Seite soll die Möglichkeit bestehen, sich anmelden zu können und sich zu Registrieren.
Beim Anmelden oder registrieren sollen die Daten im Datenbank abgelegt und oder verglichen werden…
- [ ] - username text field
- [ ] - password text field
- [ ] - login button
Login pages are the most used pages on any kind of website. But designing a responsive page isn't easy. I would like to design a responsive login page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Login page and signup should have similar logic but create a new row in the table of users.
@A-BMT02 let me know the best way to gain access to the keys and setup a local env file and test authent…
login is required so only representatives can log in to add agendas
should have:
- [ ] email
- [ ] password
- [ ] forgot password
should catch errors:
- [ ] invalid email
- [ …
User story
Using invalid email address and correct password the user still able to login.
Create a login page where it allows users to enter their credentials to allow the application to connect with their Spotify account
login page issue
Login Button that redirects to a dashboard.