It seems `:timeout` and `:timeout-response` aren't being correctly passed to `wrap-noir-session` inside `noir.util.middleware/app-routes`. I'm writing a Luminus-based template webapp with lib-noir 0…
I am new to clojure and clojurescript and i have small problems/questions regarding this template.
I am able to make this temlate working with command "lein figwheel" but "lein repl" is not working. …
Am I correct to explain these occurrences of half-complete namespaces (luminus.extensions, extensu, extenb) as side-effects from 'evaluate as you type' behavior? Does the instarepl come with a (metaph…
:join? false
is extra? not need?
I was trying to implement CSRF protection as described in the documentation and received a compiler error `Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: add-tag! in this context`
I was able to successfully create a standalone jar to deploy my practice application to one of my test servers. When I called the equivalent of:
`java -jar /var/myapp/myapp.jar`
on my server I got …
Created a fresh luminus project with profiles +postgres +cljs +http-kit +site
There is an error at login page, mentioned as the title of the issue.
What do you think about to add https://github.com/magnars/prone to Luminus?
Thanks, Ed.
Attempting to add
[cemerick.friend :as friend](cemerick.friend [workflows :as workflows]
[credentials :as creds])
to my luminus handler namespace causes the compiler to …
When you create a project with `+http-kit` profile, it does not show the port number like it does for default profile.
For example:
$ lein run -dev
2014-Aug-20 13:45:45 +0100 mc-s071031.local I…