![2013-06-21_00 12 19](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/4670074/682980/074d5a72-d9d5-11e2-9cd8-d7f3fac752a9.png)
![2013-06-21_00 11 12](https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/4670074/682981/0e248078-d9d5-…
Basically offer controller-based controller projection in addition to instance-based controller projection. A controller-based projection would essentially merge the routing of all instances that are …
I'd like use two MCP2515 controllers for filtering/gateway a midspeed CAN-Bus (125kbs). All your examples, and even the documentation did not mention this setup. All the examples did not explicit inst…
Currently the library does not perform any handling for pins that might be connected to the devices hardware reset line, is this intentional?
Boards such as the [CAN SPI Click](https://www.mikroe.c…
Hello Kris, this is not an issue but just a question.
Is reading the battery level characteristic value working on you? You tested it on an app in Android?
Based on the code as I understand, t…
When running the role with `archivematica_src_install_am=no`, the `CLAMAV_SOCKET_TYPE` is set to tcp because the below task file is skipped:
I want to capture packets coming from all MAC addresses except four (case opposite to the available mcp -m option). How can I do that? Tried to find where filtering happens in the source code, but fai…
I am using following system:
Type: Laptop System: LENOVO product: 20HGS3B400 v: ThinkPad T470s
Dual Core model: Intel Core i5-7200U
bits: 64
type: MT MCP
arch: Amber Lake …
Hi! I have installed nexmon_csi on RPi4 and Asus router according to your slide, and it went smoothly when capturing CSI.
But when I wanted to use the modem in my lab as a specific crawl ob…
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| Bugzilla Link | [PR33037](https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33037) |
| Status | NEW |
| Importance | P normal |