### Debug adapter definition and debug configuration
dap.adapters.gdb = {
type = "executable",
command = "gdb",
-- args = { "-i", "dap" } -- NOTE: this gives interpretter error in da…
rm374 updated
10 months ago
why i try to run debug in windows,it always occur "dlv exited with code 2".
I wanted to use the plugin for debugging UnitTests, but unfortunately the plugin seems to search for a debug adapter named `netcoredbg`.
The debug adapter name should be `coreclr`, as describe…
In the gif below, for some reason, a new tab is opened at the beginning of debug session and then each time `step_over()` is called
Recently I've redone my configuration to clean it up and add support for other languages that I'm working in and upon switching back to iOS I'm unable to run any projects, not even test project. It wa…
From hash [c4363e4](https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim/commit/c4363e4ad8aa3269a581d89b1e11403dd89df291)
In my configuration with `codeium.vim` and `nvim-cmp` I have the following in the `nvim-cmp` spec
-- Make codeium suggestions appear only when `nvim-cmp` menu is closed
### Neovim version (nvim -v)
### Operating system/version
Mac OS 14.3
### Output of :checkhealth rustaceanvim
Checking for Lua dependencies ~
- OK [mfussenegger/nvim…
Is there any easy way to make it work with Swift? Thank you in advance :)