* Navigate to https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/1080496873/history
* Click on "Edit tags"
* Editor shows v1 tags (building = yes) instead of current version (v2).
In the Netherlands only motorways and some trunk roads have shoulders, in Dutch: vluchtstrook (fleeing/emergency lane). On primary, secondary and tertiary they are extremely rare. Hence the quest "Add…
I have a spring boot application with a mustache template. my template has a very long JSON string between the and tag, but when I open the site, I found the HTML lose a lot of content, which makes …
I find the 'Query Features' function on the main website extremely useful but the slowness becomes increasingly annoying. What are the feelings about running our own Overpass instance exclusively to b…
[leisure=recreation_ground](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:leisure%3Drecreation_ground) is a less common synonym of [landuse=recreation_ground](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:landuse…
- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFlavors
- https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer/blob/87788d9b094db587ea994c16b3d343eaac68ad99/packages/ubuntu_wizard/lib/src/widgets/flavor.dart
# U…
is this intended ?
There is no more item in menu and no more option in OsmAnd development.
Why did you remove it, until now it is much better than "new" search !
Version (WITHOUT legacy se…
## What did you search for?
## What result did you get?
the relation 13180677 with this name (the name …
I was at a really narrow residential street and wanted to measure its width.
It would be nice to have this for all streets as an option.
I made a project called [Wikiless](https://codeberg.org/orenom/wikiless), it's self-hostable, FOSS. How it works is that the backend basically mirrors the Wikipedia content to the user. The user's bro…