As the VA, I need to be able to send an email to the user who submitted a form 10-7959c in the event of a silent failure.
### Acceptance criteria
- User is able to enter an email address on the form
The original issue from the original repository so someone can pickup and implement later: https://github.com/danfickle/openhtmltopdf/issues/829
> I want to display PDFs and images inline with the …
Once data collectors have gathered information about project sites and selected the correct site ID, allow the user to download the data about all the sites and incorporate into other proecess
## Ref…
# What should the basic shape of a catalog entrty look like?
Reccommendation : create an ADMS/DCAT profile tailored to our needs.
The [Data Catalog - DCAT](https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-3/) a…
### Issue description
The availability check success message needs to be updated in the request form and get.gov/domains/choosing.
![Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 3 26 52 PM](https://github.com/cisagov/ma…
Pridajme hore info o tom, ze prebieha overovanie. Info tam ma byt po cely cas, kym je clovek v queue.
There is a configuration item `monitorExecution` in ElasticJob-Lite, which can enable the job record and monitor job, and provide precondition for failover.
I want discuss maybe we can split job as t…
As was discussed during the #32. We should take care of such errors.
- [ ] Add a guide page with explanations from [original comment](https://github.com/AndreyZelenskiy/serialize/issues/32#issuecom…
### Description
- Social links model with at least url and domain
- [FIGMA](https://www.figma.com/file/ibJOTPlNtIxESwS96vJb06/%F0%9F%91%A4-Profile-%7C-Desktop?type=design&node-id=2460-40763&mode=d…