Hello, I'm having a bit of trouble making this segmentation tool work with other data.
- Are you using a binary mask of the airways for the distance transform? Do you think applying matlab's bwdis…
Marie Deprez et al.
A Single-Cell Atlas of the Human Healthy Airways
Carraro et al.
Transcriptional analysis of cystic fibrosis airways at single-cell resolution reveals altered epithelial cell states and composition.
### Setup
I am reporting a problem wich works with Python 2.7 but fails with Python 3.6
Full details:
The sample script below works on a system where
import sys; print(sys.versio…
In the GEO/airway_RNAseq/kegg_and_go_up_and_down.R, the kk=DOSE::setReadable(kk, OrgDb='org.Hs.eg.db',key**t**ype='ENTREZID') should change into kk=DOSE::setReadable(kk, OrgDb='org.Hs.eg.db',key**T**…
I want to ask the data in the source code which is named Data. It is a struct combined by CT, Strain and AirwayDTF. Could you tell me how can I get the Strain and AirwayDTF of the new img w…
I am interested in using your evaluation functions more specifically BD and TD. However, I am not sure of which part of [this code ](https://github.com/haozheng-sjtu/3d-airway-segmentation/…
When I am trying to install and push the booking-microservice I am getting this error below error,
root@mycluster:~/icp-airways-master/icp-backend/booking-microservice# npm i
> ibm_db@2.5.1 instal…
#### Current behavior:
22 genes are discovered to be uncorrelated with their corresponding reactions in `Leukotriene metabolism`.
| Gene| UniProtID| Reaction| GPR| Correlation| Manually …
To help the user understand what the bot is doing (and to show activity during long thought delays) it would be helpful if some of the intermediate steps were rendered to the screen asynchronously. P…