The spreadsheet attached to this response https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/complete_non_residential_busines_90#incoming-804454 won't open when downloaded from the site, but will when extracted f…
This is a ticket for a general shift in strategy enabling sites to be administered by small teams of people even as they grow.
eg. Consider sections, perhaps on /admin/ showing requests reported a…
This would probably be best done on a Google Doc.
Google Doc open to all for comment:
eg. if
was tagged
show a map of the area covered by the CCG on the CCG page.
Images could come from www.geograph.org.uk or Wikipedia.
This might be particularly appropriate for parish council level bodies.
See also:
* https://github.com/mysociety/whatdotheyknow-the…
Create a site that allows people to submit suggestions for FOI requests when, for whatever reason, they can't or don't want to submit one via RTK themselves.
The suggestion would then be made public …
I can't work out why this won't import into WhatDoTheyKnow: (had to zip it as Github doesn't allow attaching .csv)
WhatDoTheyKnow currently permits unlimited commercial use of its free public service.
Often commercial users make heavy use of the service, resulting in significant work for staff and volunteers. …
External requests were added as part of [Brighton's use](https://www.mysociety.org/2014/02/10/brighton-and-hove-city-council-launch-new-foi-system-in-aim-to-become-more-transparent/) of the now defunc…
![screen shot 2017-07-03 at 09 42 58](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/282788/27784976-04e63e5…