At the very last step of the workflow, I encounter this error:
Module 'bamtools: 'Stats for BAM file(s)' not found in the file 'A12345_genome_results'
I looked at the data and it did n…
We either find another tool for bam QC, or we ask for multi-threaded version of Alfred or we investigate on allocating more resources to this step, which I'm working on testing.
Enjoying the package so far, just having difficulties with this error, details below.
The error arises when I try to split using any more than one chromosome as input to splitGAlignmentsByC…
I'm getting further with getting toil-rnaseq to run, but it's still not going all the way. Now I seem to be dying with `OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/data/work/toil-59fec6ca-1a65-4a…
**Description of bug:**
We are using docker images from dockerhub (`docker pull ewels/multiqc:1.10.1`) but the app is failing at the GATK module. We do not have any files for the GATK module
**Description of bug:**
Using [DamageProfiler 0.5.0](https://github.com/Integrative-Transcriptomics/DamageProfiler), I get a result file that breaks MultiQC, see below.
**MultiQC Error log:**
With a fresh install of Nextflow v20.10.0, I am trying to run the Sarek test pipeline using the awsbatch executor. My command line is:
nextflow run nfcore/sarek -profile test,awsbatch --awsque…
Hello again,
I tried to run the methylseq pipeline, using docker:
`nextflow run nf-core/methylseq -profile test,docker`
I got the following error:
[0;35m[nf-core/methylseq] Pipeline compl…
If sequences in the BAM file do not appear in the given alignment reference, analysis dies (see below for error).
Make a more informative error message, or (if possible) prevent the error from happ…
**Description of bug:**
Qualimap: mean coverage computation for general statistics seems incorrect.
**MultiQC Error log:**
MultiQC Report: