Is there a way to rotate x labels in grouped/stratified boxplots? I tried 'rot' argument from pandas boxplot, I also tried to assign ax=axs so I can set the labels afterwards, but it's not working for…
I manage to extract for each grid cell, the number of fire ignitions per year in the historical data (). I have done up a dot plot of count against each year for each cell (can be found in historical …
Graph.propTypes = {
axisColor: PropTypes.string,
axisWidth: PropTypes.number,
axisOpacity: PropTypes.number,
gridColor: PropTypes.string,
gridWidth: propTypes.number,
### What problem does this feature solve?
### What does the proposed API look like?
In order to visualize the association between genotype of a specific locus and the expression/chip height, I am wondering if "unprocessed raw count" should be used ?
For the detection of QTL…
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/b3CuF/3/
States for marker/series states doesn't work properly. According to docs this should work: http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#plotOptions.boxplot.states.hover.…
When I invoke fig2plotly on a boxplot as in:
`fig2plotly(gcf, 'offline', true, 'open', false, 'filename', 'Control_AAGC_63bp_raw_reads_quality');`
the sy…
I ran into a similar problem that was reported in issue #86.
Error using horzcat
Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in gramm/stat_boxplot>my_boxplot (line 8…
I added delta PCC to the AMALGKIT output as shown on the paper figure, like this: