https://team.cartodb.com/u/saleiva/editor/dcacc472-e63a-11e5-b837-0e787de82d45/embed (look at min_temp for example
Dataset visible at https://team.cartodb.com/u/saleiva/tables/weather_anomalies_out…
Answer the following when submitting a ticket:
* What is your platform (Windows/Linux) Linux
* What is your architecture? (32 v. 64) 64
* What version of GDAL are you using? 2.1
* What are the s…
The legend of my map in CartoDB https://hackforge.cartodb.com/viz/4aa90786-0416-11e5-9eac-0e0c41326911/public_map does not appear in our DKAN: http://data.hackf.org/dataset/ford-city-bia-building-vaca…
For this ticket https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb/issues/8742 we'd need to add two new params:
- A way to specify the output geometry of the georeference (in the cases where it makes sense; for inst…
Right now we can pass to the histogram widget the `column` and number of `bins`.
It would be good to have more parameters to control the widget. From the proposal of @rochoa on https://github.com/Cart…
Quick question - is it possible to configure this package in a way that allows a user to use it against their CartoDB enterprise account?
The URL structure is slightly different:
- Normal CartoDB
Upgrading from the current `cartodb.js` library version will require switching from bower, and the library is not on npm.
Depends on #899.
just checked it as a CartoDB user may want a map made.
Thanks for your work on this library!
I cannot figure out how to get a label to display on hover. Please see example below:
if (interactive()) {
We are using the CartoDB base map and up untill recently it has worked. But recently the base map has reverted back to the stock OpenLayers base map and no changes seem to affect this.
We have chang…