### Your Name
Abdiel Fernandez
### Your Email
### Your GitHub Handle
### Your Role and Team
Software Engineer at Team Quokka
### Product Manager (PM) name and …
### Cloud Computing Instance Flavor
g3.xl - GPU instance (32 CPUs, 125 GB RAM and A100 GPU)
### Description
I am a British Academy postdoctoral researcher in palaeoanthropology at the University of…
Hi @esune @WadeBarnes ,
The Developer Experience (DevX) team is moving code from the current BCDevOps GitHub organization to the new bcgov GitHub Enterprise organization, which is protected by single…
Hello @UngererFabien, comme mentionné en point ops ce matin :
[voici l'email ](https://mc.sendgrid.com/dynamic-templates/d-269913e926974a498ff7cf7f2529ebc6/version/a2562193-3db0-4bb0-9508-634ff655…
Hi @rstens @ShellyXueHan ,
The Developer Experience (DevX) team is moving code from the current BCDevOps GitHub organization to the new bcgov GitHub Enterprise organization, which is protected by sin…
### Your Name
Timothy Steele
### Your Email
### Your GitHub Handle
### Your Role and Team
Automated Tester on VA.gov Medical Records team
### Description
Users can create a new account in Atlas Patient Hub
### Steps to reproduce
* *Step 1*
Action: Go to sign up page
Expected Result: Form with fields:
* Email
* Password
* *Step 2*
Do not change the email address in the system until user confirms new email.
Hi @wrnu @MaxWardle @AErmie @NickCorcoran @abibat-adesina @prabhukiran9999 @ThibaultBC ,
The Developer Experience (DevX) team is moving code from the current BCDevOps GitHub organization to the new b…
Hi @jleach @StevenBarre @sbathgate @ShellyXueHan @yhfreeman @poornima-sivanand ,
The Developer Experience (DevX) team is moving code from the current BCDevOps GitHub organization to the new bcgov Git…