For my use-case, I would like to avoid having Flipt on the critical path to request handling, i.e. high latency or errors from Flipt should not fail a request. This can already be accomplished, but in…
Might obviate: https://github.com/MI-DPLA/combine/issues/106.
Currently in `graphql` branch.
Scaffolding GraphQL endpoint for Combine that would provide structured data requests for disparate mo…
This will be a company that makes cameras that are programmed to record and take pictures with a 360 degree point of view.
The current record constructors are problematic, because if you add a field to it, everywhere that uses it is broken. Adding a field to a record is therefore often not backwards compatible, which is a…
According to https://support.crestron.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1000368/~/what-are-the-crestron-oui-%2F-mac-address-prefixes%3F . here are some more workable MAC prefixes:
![borrower sign up](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31194353/36058811-36f1b9fc-0e65-11e8-80e2-6bf5f6cf737d.png)
The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) -- the national association of the nation’s engineering industry – respectfully requests an extension of the comment period of the proposed guidanc…
## Context/background
In TP users may face situations where they click on a saved link, expecting to access specific content, only to find that the content is no longer available. This can lead to …
Project : proj11
Job : Default
Env : Default
Category : Unsecured
Tags : [ OWASP - OTG-AUTHN-002, FX Top 10 - API Vulnerability, Non-Intrusive]
Severity : Major
Region : FXLabs/US_…
Project : proj11
Job : Default
Env : Default
Category : null
Tags : null
Severity : null
Region : FXLabs/US_WEST_1
Result : fail
Status Code : 200
Headers : {X-Content-Typ…