I am trying to create a land mask for Australia, and having a little trouble seeing how to do it from the docs, at least using the built-in region libraries. The only way I can see to extract a region…
bjfar updated
2 years ago
### [REQUIRED] Environment info
### [REQUIRED] Test case
import { onValueCreated } from "firebase-functions/v2/d…
In implementing a server for some of the IVOA protocols, it is necessary to be able to represent three basic geometric regions in Python: a "circle" (defined by a sky position and a radius), a "polygo…
this file base.pconf
{%- set intraday_regions = ["useu", "cnhkusadr"] -%}
{% if ny5 is defined and ny5 -%}
global.ny5 = true
{% else -%}
global.ny5 = false
{% endif -%}
{% if inject_…
I defined the following structure for my Stack Set:
const app = new cdk.App();
const stack = new cdk.Stack(app);
new MyStackWithSharedResources(app, 'MyStackWithSharedResources');
Presently, multiregion mesh cellzones in baraMesh are defined by using material points, it is not convenient to define many small cellzone regions. I think snappHexMesh has "cellZone inside" feature w…
I am looking for guidance on how to dynamically modify the material parameters of `PointCloudOctree` in Potree, specifically `size` and `color`. I want to know if there are existing methods or approac…
ghost updated
1 month ago
In the context of geo testing... Let's say we have historical data of some KPI (such as sales, or customer sign ups) across multiple geographies. And we are considering running some geo testing on a s…
## Branching stratergy
Please branch off `feat/set-individual-card-due-dates` instead of develop. We'll use that branch so that we can make the feature fully work before merging it into develop. …
For GDPR compliance, it would be useful to side-step lawyers and data processing agreements entirely by allowing customers to store their data in the EU.
We could do this with a primary-primary dat…
ezekg updated
6 months ago