Components that incorpoprate 'hint':
- The spacing between feedback message and hint is not clearly defined.
- Hint and feedback message font sizes (post-device-10 /post-device-9) do not adapt the…
### Description
Migrated from Miro Kanban
### Design
### Tokens
- [ ] Tokens for this compo…
### Description
❖ Search is the trigger element of the Dropdown / Search component. It opens a list of search term suggestions based on the user input where the user can select one from.
I installed the library
The components appear
But without any design
I get a warning about tailwind-merge
Create a Login Component
- [ ] Meet Design Requirements for Login Component
- [ ] Validation for username/password
- [ ] Request to auth API
- [ ] Error message for failed login
- [ ] Protect…
### Check existing issues
- [X] I have [checked for existing issues](https://github.com/Esri/calcite-design-system/issues) to avoid duplicates
### Description
**Describe the bug**
Add billingData & subscriptionData display error message.
**Steps to reproduce bug**
1. Go to 'https://stage-react.raaghu.ai/?path=/story/components-billing--default&args=bil…
### Dependency
- #410
### Overview
We need to create Design System Toggles Component HTML and SASS / connect Figma design to finished code, and build microsite page so that developers can see and…
Ik ga de introductie gedeelte van de drop-and-heal website a.d.h.v atomic design manier bouwen met componenten.
Opdracht component-building-block:
Ontwerp en bouw voor de opdrachtgever een robuust…
### Description
Addresses the final, or second phase, of our design token integration from #6558.
Majority of the effort will be performed in June and July, targeted for early August for additional …