Hi, thanks for your project.
When I download the pretrained checkpoints that you provide on the Obama video clip and test by
> python main.py data/obama/ --workspace trial_obama/ -O --test --ckp…
I used ave audio encoder to replace ernerf's audio encoder, and unfortunately I got a worse result.
1. 我在用hubert来重新训练May数据,得到的人物嘴巴抖动很快,使用Hubert来训练需要更改其他的设置吗?
2. 为什么hubert的self.audio_in_dim = 27,在er-nerf中是1024?
if 'esperanto' in self.opt.asr_model:
self.audio_in_dim = 44
elif …
i tried to preprocess my own video data, the bs.npy is generated from EmoTalk project.
EDIT: This approach is legally not solid. Therefore see #1349 where its about getting explicit agreements for the shipped plugins. However a general agreement is still useful for the case when we resu…
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