tagging @rgerkin & @fmder
Although I can understand you reasoning for wanting to use lexical comparison, I believe that the resulting functionality is extremely misleading and that it could benefi…
If this is meant to be a comprehensive list of feature selection techniques, might be worth mentioning in the README if not incorporating `pysisso` https://github.com/Matgenix/pysisso
Congratulations to you for your valuable work on evolutionary reinforcement learning. I want to know whether evolutionary algorithm can be combined with on-policy(for example, PPO) algorithm, if there…
Consider parallelization of the algorithms in multiple modes:
- [x] Single process (core)
- [x] Multi-threading
- [ ] Multi-process (multi-core)
Hello. I wish to try the Moth Flame algorithm, however I have no clue of what are these "problems" that I have to select. I thought the only thing that could be called a "problem" is the fitness func…
#### Reference
Tristan Marty, Yann Semet, Anne Auger, Sébastion Héron, and Nikolaus Hansen. 2023. Benchmarking CMA-ES with Basic Integer Handling on a Mixed-Integer Test Problem Suite. In Proceedings…
**Describe the bug**
[The evolution engine](https://github.com/BrettRyland/BDArmory/blob/c5e5f297d14e63fe0de1709598a9dc79ff901fa1/BDArmory/Evolution/_description) applies mutations to symmetry parts …
- Abstract (2-3 lines)
As with many fields, applications of machine learning and computational methods are expanding to the financial world too. Modelling financial markets is a challenging area desp…
### Description
Using Typst version 0.11.1 with a bibliography entry with two authors and attempting to render in the "prose" format shows it in the format `a & b (year)` instead of `a and b (year)`.…