In https://discussions.udacity.com/t/why-do-we-need-to-compute-jacobian-for-f/227492/6 we discuss lesson 5, ch 18 where Andrei says that we need to use the Jacobian for F. There is some confusion abo…
Hi after running ```cmake ..``` I have issue running ```make``` command:
D:\Git_repo\CarND-Extended-Kalman-Filter-Project\build>cmake ..
-- Building for: Visual Studio 14 2015
-- The C compi…
This folder is created per Hydra's request, " perhaps add some of your ideas to a new github issue tracker issue
if you create one called ‘gps improvements’
and then add comments to it for each idea…
Right now we are using a simple LowPass filter on the position data we get from the tracker. On psmoveapi I made a simple Kalman filter for smoothing, but it didn't leverage the accelerometer so it fe…
Hi (again),
In http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/rlabbe/Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python/blob/master/09_Extended_Kalman_Filters/Extended_Kalman_Filters.ipynb#Designing-Q
We get some details on h…
I think it would be very useful to define a BeliefUpdater type. Here are the main benefits, as I see them:
- Allows use of different belief update methods for the same belief type. For instance, for a…
Please... :-)
I'm using a recently updated Ubuntu 12.04 with the latest ros-hydro packages and I seem to have lost the ability to run the simulation with
`prompt> roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_s…