Load hanging at Part 3 - Step 13 for WA only. All other states complete within 2-3 minutes but WA never completes even after leaving it running for multiple hours. Offending code below
This way one utilise data that exists on the client machine instead.
Geoscape have changed the delivery format to include an authority code file for each state in the Administrative Boundaries dataset.
There are authority files with different authority codes in them…
Attempting to run the docker-composer up but i am getting error
=> CACHED [3/8] RUN wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | apt-key add - …
Appears there may be an issue with the schema and the values provided using the August 2019 version.
gnaf-importer_1 | Traceback (most recent call last):
gnaf-importer_1 | File "import_gn…
PGSync version: 1.1.27
Postgres version: 12.6
Elasticsearch version: 7.11.1
Redis version: 5.0.3
Python version: 2.7.16
Problem Description:
Large data sets are causing the INSERT q…
Propose addition of property
to relate an individual feature from one geography or dataset with a feature from another geography or dataset which is intended to represent …
The [Geocoded National Address File](https://psma.com.au/product/gnaf/) (GNAF) is the Australian standard for street addresses and includes an identifier for each listed street address. It is propose…
Couldn't find a mobx issue for this.
steve9164 commented on Mar 18
>We will be porting the remaining 2 search providers.
I'm getting this error when building docker. Any tips on how to resolve?
docker build .
12:39:25.695 [main] INFO a.csiro.data61.gnaf.indexer.Indexer. - done
Error processing tar file(…