We need to define how should be work the bot configuration
**how the user can configure the bot for they discord server**
suggested commands
$news #chanel-name -t js, react, nodejs, angula…
add gnews.org
Some company names are not able to be sent to GNews.io endpoint as a query search. Get 500 errors.
fake-ip模式下 断开网络一会重新连接打不开谷歌
显示 您的连接不是私密连接或者无法访问网站 然后在重新连接一下网络就可以正常访问了
Get some successful basic calls with Weatherbit API & NewsAPI
In the Modal, display recent news on the searched stock.
**System information**
- Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock
example script provided in TensorFlow): Yes
- OS Platform and Distribution (e.g.,
Linux Ubuntu 16.04): N/A, as i…
The previous issue described in #31509 was fixed, but I am now experiencing exactly the same issue with all the same setup using the latest nightly build of TF2.0 when using tf.keras.optimizers.Adam
**see simple flow**
tagui https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kelaberetiv/TagUI/master/flows/samples/1_google.tag -headless
**run output log**
START - automation started - Wed Dec 09…
In the task of transforming text to vectors ([as in this official GCP example](https://cloud.google.com/solutions/machine-learning/analyzing-text-semantic-similarity-using-tensorflow-and-cloud-dataflo…