[urdf2graspit wiki](https://github.com/JenniferBuehler/graspit-pkgs/wiki/Conversion-with-urdf2graspit)
cd $GRASPIT/models/robots
ls -s
Suppose, it should be `ln -s `:)
There's another…
We want to plan the grasping posture of the robot hand. We can try the following three approaches
1. Integrate **GraspIt!** http://graspit-simulator.github.io/ into Drake.
2. Write our own sampling ba…
Hi Jennifer,
When I try to run simple_planning_tutorial.cpp with other world like dlr_flask.xml instead of jaco, I always get the following results:
=== EigenGraspPlanner update === - EigenGraspPl…
Hello Jennifer,
I am trying to install graspit and graspit-pkgs following the instructions in your wiki and when i am running the make install command i get the following error.
![Screenshot from …
This can be done either by using multiple threads to create plans through graspit (don't know if it's possible) or by calling graspit once, and call it again only if all plans failed.
the error code is below, please tell me how to fix it,thanks
`Linking CXX executable /home/cc/catkin_ws/devel/lib/urdf2inventor/urdf2inventor_node
/home/cc/catkin_ws/devel/lib/liburdf2inventor.so: u…
Currently the gripper joints do not move according to the graspit plan. Change that.
Hi! I've managed to run
**roslaunch grasp_planning_graspit_ros graspit_planner_jaco_example.launch \
and save the inventor and world files. However, I would also l…
I'm using Ubuntu16.04 and following the guide. The error occurs when I finished cmake and began to make. The error message is as below
[ 41%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/graspit.dir/src/ivmgr…
I faced the following Error in Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS melodic
/usr/include/urdf_model/model.h:92:8: note: no known conversion for argument 2 from ‘urdf_traverser::LinkPtr {aka boost::share…