This is to discuss the work that will need to be done to update 'has input', 'has output', and 'transports or maintains localization of' in GO-CAM models to 'has primary input' and 'has primary output…
Hey there! Really cool project - thanks for sharing!
I was wondering, how can have you both input and output devices on the same I2S using circle? What are the changes you had to implement?
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
### Description of the Bug
Pipes to insert/extract to and from (multiblock?) machines disconnect after serve…
### Feature Use Case
It would be cool to be able to inline dynamic imports not only with single entry point, but also with multiple entries.
So the "Feature Use Case" - same as for a single entr…
Proposed template (ish)
"id": ,
"description": ,
"input": {
0: ...,
1: ....,
"output": {....} OR "output_path…
**Describe the bug**
The middle white circle reads "_Devicetree scripts in scripts/dts/_".
For a reader, the two arrows from above pointing into this circle might be interpreted as editing this di…
I get an error when using string type input or output for FMU, how do I fix it?
Bug Type: **`TypeScript`**
## Environment
- Vue Version: `3.5.13`
- Element Plus Version: `2.8.8`
- Browser / OS: `'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.3…
**Description** : We've had usecases where we needed to merge multiple urls from a non-Eds site into a single docx file but there wasn't a direct mode to use that can help transform multiple inputs in…
The shape of an input/output at::Tensor matches logical, even when the corresponding TensorView has an non-trivial allocation domain. See https://github.com/NVIDIA/Fuser/blob/2e4ed54ebd09946adef8d38b0…