- [ ] Create philosophical shorts for why LLM may actually "understand"
- [ ] Create a weekly target
- [ ] Reflect on how I would trickle from year to daily vision
- [ ] Create gigs on fastwork
- [ ] …
Hi, I encountered _NonMatchingSplitsSizesError_ when evaluating the finetuned model: gpt2-finetuned-wikitext103. The same also popped up when Saving a Datastore and Building the FAISS index by myself…
I apologize in advance for my lack of computer knowledge,I installed 3d-pack in the comfy-manager,but just keeping import failed.
I already installed CUDA 12.1, torch 2.3.0+cu121/cu118,torchvision 0.…
Request for project inclusion in scikit-learn-contrib
* Project name: sklearn-ann
* Project description: Integration with (approximate) nearest neighbors libraries for scikit-learn + clustering ba…
I just followed up the quickstart, created the venv, and installed the requirements.txt file
As soon as you launch it and start prompting you get an error with sentence-transformers not installed.
** Platform: Windows
** Python version: 3.11.8 (tags/v3.11.8:db85d51, Feb 6 2024, 22:03:32) [MSC v.1937 64 bit (AMD64)]
** Python executable: C:\ComfyUI_windows_portable\python_embeded\python.exe
- [x] @ChristophB: don't know how excessive a change this would be, but right now in `EntityForm` the `expression-input` for a `CompositeConcept` dictates that `Constant` are excluded. However, the `D…
After downloading comfyUI portable (FRESH INSTALLATION), going to python embedded directoty and removing Torch 2.4.1, then installing Torch 2.4.0, then trying to install the very difficult to install …