Quand on fait une modification sur /admin/landings/:id, on ne peut pas vraiment contrôler avant de mettre en production.
Il faudrait pouvoir vérifier à l’avance et revenir en arrière si les modific…
We need a landing airspeed that can be below TECS min speed. It simply doesn’t make sense to keep stall speed/min speed the same as landing speed when you can deploy flaps which lower your minimum spe…
remplacer les stats des utilisateurs par les stats PeRun
From u/BrandonMarc on Reddit:
* Shouldn't the Falcon Heavy launch reflect the successful landings as well as the unsuccessful ocean landing? So, 3 icons instead of two? Plus, the sidebar would show 3…
I have landings data with *nation* information. This information is used to separate data for different fleets. I notice that there is no way of importing a `nation` column to mfdb using the `mfdb_imp…
- [ ] Add a ``g3_if_projecting(catchability_a, catchability_b)`` wrapper around an if-statement, living in a projection_utils.R?
- [ ] Take ``g3a_predate_catchability_hockeyfleet()`` out of g3experim…
add text @pabyerly
Es posible crear una especie de robot que recorra la página/app revisando que todos los landing estén funcionando, que no tengamos sitios “caidos” ? para que no pase lo de MIHC y lo de los parquimetro…
How about add this one?
``` css
div {
position: -webkit-sticky;
position: -moz-sticky;
position: -ms-sticky;
position: -o-sticky;
position: sticky;
top: 0;
Faire tourner https://github.com/christophercliff/flatmarket sur jekyll. J'ai essayé, mais je comprends pas bien comment ca marche. L'objectif est de permettre de créer des landings pages avec un bout…