precompute lambda values for each step 0 - 1 at step level of 0.1
### Description
I'm plotting large datasets using proplot (0.9.5.post78) and cartopy (0.20.0). The speed is much slower than the pyplot one.
### Steps to reproduce
import time
Is it possible to save model visualization as `.png`?
The code below allows me to save vis as `.html`, but I don't see anything in the docs about exporting to other formats
import p…
from #54
Similar to LDAvis, implement salience slider bar onto LDA Scatter 2D (possible alternative - introduce a default salience modifier into the default topic terms display and include the slide…
If one installs the current master with `pip install -e git://github.com/bmabey/pyLDAvis.git@master#egg=pyLDAvis`,
there exists following problem (and the visualization is not shown):
when running pyLDAvis.show(), the generated html file tries to call this URL "https://cdn.rawgit.com/bmabey/pyLDAvis/files/ldavis.v3.0.0.js" which returns a 404 error code.
I found that an earlier …
I can take care of this change.
For more, see: https://www.data-imaginist.com/2019/patch-it-up-and-send-it-out/
This is a direct replacement with not much change needed in terms of argument spec…
**Submitting author:** @ArneTillmann (Arne Matthias Tillmann)
**Repository:** https://github.com/ArneTillmann/AuDoLab
**Version:** v1.0.7
**Editor:** @arfon
**Reviewers:** @linuxscout, @pps121
First of all, thanks for the top2vec model. It produces very coherent topics.
My question is more about seeking suggestions than any issue.
I have two similar datasets (same theme) - A and B. I …