I started to play with you very nice library and I was surprised by to get a positive log likelihood
I used as basis an harmonic model with 3 sin and cos pairs to model a timeseries, while I left …
This is a ticket that is similar to SN likelihood, only that it operates with the time-delay distances, there is no marginalization over the absolute amplitude. Sufficiently different that it needs to…
# Documentation/tutorial notebooks
As of `2.9.1`, the `log_marginal_likelihood` is deprecated.
See the docs [here](https://gpflow.github.io/GPflow/2.9.1/api/gpflow/models/gpr/index.html#gpflow.mo…
Hi! I'm working on modifying MontePython with an HMC/NUTS solver, which requires getting the gradient of loglkl. I would like to use candl for the CMB data, but I don't see a function that would direc…
I probably need a lower level, C++ implementation of log likelihood.
I found this C++ package (maybe there are better options): http://www.cahillsoftware.com/media/af21843f135214fffff850fffffe417.…
I am working on device failure detection using logs and trying to use HSMM for the same (https://github.com/mattjj/pyhsmm ). I have trained HSMM models one with failure sequences and another with non-…
I'm posting this issue as a place to discuss and think about our strategy for likelihood-based inference for generalized linear mixed models. Right now I've got a working likelihood function for a Mix…
Hey, ich habe die Test Log-likelihoods für den Boston Housing Datensatz berechnet, kann allerdings nicht die Ergebnisse der anderen Paper erreichen. Kannst du kurz einen Blick hier auf die Implementie…
The broader question is whether it would not be clearer to define S3 methods for `numeric`, `epichains` and `epichains_summary` where