Hey folks! I'm a complete beginner at coding; at GitHub culture, protocol, and etiquette; and probably other relevant things to completing this task. I do have an overwhelming desire to participate as…
### 🎮 Game Request
The user will be asked a bunch of adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc. and based on that a new story will be created.
### Point down the features
The game will contain many stories wh…
Submitting Author Name:
- Junrong Zhu (@zjr-mds)
- Morgan Rosenberg (@morganrosenberg50)
- Nagraj Rao (@nrao944)
- Kyle Maj (@Kylemaj)
Package Name: Ranimalsgonewild
One-Line Description of P…
name: Ranimalsgonewild
about: demonstrate basic features of text analysis while applying a humorous lens
Submitting Author Name: Junrong Zhu @zjr-mds, Morgan Rosenberg @morganrosenbe…
# Name
Handshake - Decentralized Location for Casual Deal Making & Gentleman's Agreements
# Purpose
To provide a decentralized location for virtual “Handshake Agreements” and to ultilize a commis…
Good morning,
How are you?
Wanted to ask you if this app is operational? Also, how does it get it's data?
Thank you very much!
Not sure what direction I'm going to go yet. Two thoughts I had:
1. Since a lot of actual novels were inspired by dreams, use posts from reddit r/dreams to try to generate some kind of narrative? N…
The plan here is to use fairly basic repeated string substitutions to form a "novel", using public domain texts as inputs, and command line bash tools to organise the source material in various ways.
hornc updated
4 years ago
### Context
_No response_
### Description
Sections of code blocks may be templated with default values and may be modified by clicking which transforms that area to a text box. New lines should not…
ofek updated
2 months ago
hi! i've been a big fan of nanogenmo for a while. this year i have an idea for it.
i found out earlier this year a friend of mine has to keep exhaustive logs of all the work activity he does every …