**Describe the bug**
Various optional fields in the FM model input will be represented as `nan` when exported to a pandas DataFrame.
When constructing a new object from such dataframe, unnecessary v…
- [ ] https://www.manning.com/user-group
- [ ] http://www.oreilly.com/partner/
- [ ] https://www.jetbrains.com/devnet/sponsorship/usergroups/
- [ ] https://pragprog.com/reviewers
- [ ] github?
Exhaustive list of ideas for future articles:
- Who the f*ck is Julian Assange
- Who the f*ck is Chelsea Manning
- Summary of Gamekult (using Data Science)
Presumably the haskell needs updating?
Is this project still used by folks at Manning?
> In Manning's paper, a slightly efficient initialization method, named "hotspot" was proposed, it is
> worthwhile to add this to our implementation.
"more" missing?
From Greg Cocks:
Based on a literature search, 25 correlations have been located and summarised in a crosswalk.
Task: Hydrologists in conjunction with the modelers to review these literature sea…
I need a means of adding lots of books to the library at once. While CLI via "--add" can work, it requires a bunch of xargs gymnastics. If we could either pass in a file containing path+filename of …
Implement the parse depth structural probe from [Manning and Hewitt](https://nlp.stanford.edu/pubs/hewitt2019structural.pdf). This should be written in PyTorch, including the external libraries needed…
I want to run the following code, but an error occurred.
import stanza
pipe = stanza.Pipeline("en", processors="tokenize,ner", package={"ner": ["ncbi_disease", "ontonotes"]})
doc = pipe("John Ba…
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