Here is our proposal for a CTV on Archaeological Science. We have organised the proposal into the sections requested in the instructions (scope, packages, overlap, maintainers):
Suggestion: add a 3rd example to [tfp.mcmc.HamiltonianMonteCarlo](https://www.tensorflow.org/probability/api_docs/python/tfp/mcmc/HamiltonianMonteCarlo) showing how to infer the posterior parameters o…
**Submitting author:** @ionides (Edward Ionides)
**Repository:** https://github.com/kidusasfaw/spatPomp
**Branch with paper.md** (empty if default branch): joss
**Version:** 1.0.0
**Editor:** @gkthiru…
- [ ] estymacja parametrów
- [x] analiza danych historycznych - na podstawie wprowadzonych okresów (srednia ann, std ann, skew, kurtosis, max dropdown, normality test)
- [ ] estymacja p…
msz13 updated
6 months ago
# Description
It would be great to have Normalizing Flow MCMC method.
## Paper reference
- [Adaptive Monte Carlo augmented with normalizing flows](https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.12603)
- [Efficient …
Awesome package. I switched to using `fmcmc` and love it! Really streamlined interface, burgeoning functionality, stellar performance.
There's one feature I miss from `adaptMCMC` and that is the ab…
The convergence behavior of the SPN equations for Reactor problems has been observed to be poor for the block Jacobi preconditioning strategy studied. Given real reactor problems, the goal of this tas…
In section 7.3, there is a discussion of autocorrelation analysis and block averaging as methods for estimating the number of independent samples, but the discussion does not make any recommendations …
**Date accepted:** 2024-09-26
Submitting Author Name: Abigail Keller
Submitting Author Github Handle: @abigailkeller
Repository: https://github.com/abigailkeller/eDNAjoint
Version submitted: 0.1
It looks like it would be relatively trivial to support Metropolis-Hastings random-walk algorithms that can be used to calibrate 'microsimulation' models. The canonical approach to this follows that o…