w: skipping /Users/agusev/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/dev.icerock.moko/maps-google-iosx64/0.5.2/9413301a7641759224b88a12ea7aa9173a692997/maps-google.klib. The abi versions don't match. Exp…
On Android, if we want to declare color with alpha component, we declare it with #[AA][RR][GG][BB] format. In moko resources, format is #[RR][GG][BB][AA]. Why? Shouldn't we save compatibility with And…
Using the latest gradle, I see this warning in the build:
Execution optimizations have been disabled for task ':wfmShared:xxxxxxxxXxxxxApiOpenApiGenerate' to ensure correctness due to the following…
@Alex009 Curious to know that are we planning now to add support for wasm in moko-mvvm as Kotlin/Wasm is now in alpha.
If some inheritor of `ViewModel` has any endless collectors of `Flow` (e.g. launch coroutine in `init` block for some `Flow` from abstract repository or collect data using extension `asLiveData` from …
I'm having difficulty implementing this on iOS - it's kind of working, but about 30 minutes after logging in, I can no longer connect to the realtime database. If I log out and back in, it works again…
I'm trying to create a SPM from a module which contains a simple object file.
object Strings {
val TitleTalks = "Talks"
val TabTalks = "Talks"
val TabChannels = "Channel"
[Here](https://github.com/icerockdev/moko-errors/tree/viewController-deinit) the branch with reproducer.
UIViewController not deinited after deleting from navigation stack, if it was binded by `view…
Would be great to have the localization work multiplatform. Seems the package [Moko-resources](https://github.com/icerockdev/moko-resources) has just what we need and works in a similar fashion to how…
From what I can see, there is no support for displaying animated images (GIFs).
It would be nice to have this, for loading animations and such. If you have any idea on how you'd like this implement…