My KSP suddenly got very slow and crashed, right after i right-clicked the administration building.
Other times, the same error popped in the console, but the game didn't crash. Now apparently the ga…
Example code here:
public class EnemyFacade: MonoBehaviour {
public void Construct(int value) {
public class Factory : PlaceholderFactory…
I've heard from some people that, after they start using less MonoBehaviours in favour of plain c# classes, that one feature that they miss about MonoBehaviours is the ability to inspect any data on i…
def extract_clip(animation_clip: UnityPy.classes.AnimationClip):
motion = {}
# read meta data
motion["Name"] = animation_clip.m_Name
motion["SampleRate"] = ani…
Thanks for the awesome project! But I got some problems while using the dictionary with a list of value.
* Unity version: 2020.3.12f1
* Sample Code:
public class Foo : MonoBehaviour
I have a RandomizerTag with a public array that I want to fill with around 200 GameObjects from my scene. In monobehaviour scripts, this can be alleviated by just selecting all the gameobjects you wan…
## 코루틴 보다 효율적인 비동기 프로그래밍을 제공하는 UniTask 사용하기
- 장점
1. 코루틴보다 효율적 제공 (내부적으로 스레드 풀 사용하여 작업 처리, 작업을 기다리는 동안 메인 스레드가 차단되지 않음)
2. 간결하고 읽기 쉬운 코드
3. 다양한 유틸리티 함수
- 단점
1. 비동기 프로그래밍 패턴 사용하므로 학습해야 함
### Description
OverFlowException when instantiating a object with networkvariables on it, using InstantiateAndSpawn when host is dedicated server
### Reproduce Steps
1. Make a dedicated serv…
Allow ui elements to be automatically retrieved at awake/start or anywhere at anytime by using attributes.
public class MyView : MonoBehaviour
Game name: (please, specify the game name)
Engine version: 4.7.2f1
Platform: Android
File name: ae4d6588b548c4c7db2fef3ac9bbe678
Error message: Read 44 but expected 36 for asset type MonoBehavio…