### Describe the bug
In the Che Cluster CR, there's a [field](https://github.com/eclipse-che/che-operator/blob/aa0150d74fe0db59f475192ba13230c68dfd7e72/api/v2/checluster_types.go#L244-L251) for setti…
# Version
$ oc-mirror version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"", Minor:"", GitVersion:"4.13.0-202307242035.p0.gf11a900.assembly.stream-f11a900", GitCommit:"f11a9001caad8fe146c73baf…
Request: Relax the ArgoCD dependency check when running `kam bootstrap` so users are not forced to install `openshift-gitops` operator if ArgoCD CRDs are already installed on the cluster.
# OperatorHub를 위한 Custom Catalog만들기 (feat. Restricted Network) - 호롤리한 하루
Overview 대략 2년전 비슷한 내용으로 포스팅을 한 적이 있었는데, 내용에 변경이 있어서 업데이트된 내용으로 다시 작성하고자 합니다. 옛날 글 -> Openshift4 OperatorHub 구성 OperatorHub는…
**Describe the bug**
operator-sdk link leads to 404 page in github
**What did you do?**
I opened https://operatorhub.io/, clicked on "Contribute" > "Create an Operator with SDK". From the page I …
**Describe the bug**
The ApplicationController is unable to create events, due to missing RBAC rules.
The following is printed in the ApplicationController pod log:
Unable to create audi…
## Problem
i created the `metallb-operator` Subscription
❯ kubectl get sub -n metallb-system
metallb-operator metallb…
## Release Process
- [x] Create and push new release branch
- Local release preparations (on the release branch)
- [x] Run e2e tests
- [x] Sync/tidy up dependencies.
- [x] Run `go m…
just stumbled across this interesting looking project on artifacthub.
and noticed, there is still an old version with some security issues advertised
hpvd updated
8 months ago
### Describe the bug
I've encountered an issue with Kubernetes context renewal/injection. Initially, the kubeconfig is in JSON format. However, when I use the oc command line to log into a di…