Arduino 1.5 has changed the directory structure.
Add an option to specify (or auto detect) Arduino version and then based on that change the directory paths.
Changes should be compatible with 1.0.x…
sudar updated
9 years ago
I'd love to fix this myself, but you seem to have removed the option as your paperback gem is now private.
Anyway, the Chapters are not defined properly. I.e in the Kindle app with the .mobi version …
I executed 'bundle exec paperback build' but failed with this message.
``` ruby
No such file or directory - pandoc (Cocaine::CommandNotFoundError)
Anybody help?
In Gemfile you can find:
`gem 'paperback', git: 'git@github.com:thoughtbot/paperback.git'`
but it is a private repo. So I can't build book from latest source.
styx updated
11 years ago
Got this on bundle install:
$ bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from http://rubygems.org/..........
Fetching git@github.com:thoughtbot/paperback.git
ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not…